The 16 days of Activism Campaign takes place  every year, beginning on International day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25th) and ending on the Human Rights Day (December 10th). The Centre for Women’s Global Leadership has coordinated this global event since it began in 1991. This year’s global is, End GBV in the world of work, awareness to accountability.

The GBV Prevention Network has tailored the global campaign to the region creating an Action and Advocacy Toolkit for use across the Horn, East and Southern Africa since 2004. In this year’s campaign, we focus on Sexual harassment in the workplace, with an emphasis on what we can each do to create change. In particular,  we focus on what individual bystanders, workplaces, policy makers and governments can do to create  sexual harassment-free workplaces for women.

The Action and Advocacy Kit

This year’s GBV Prevention Network  Action and Advocacy Kit contains the following materials

  • Campaign overview
  • Full color posters
  • Poster discussion guide aimed at facilitating discussions within your community
  • “Prevent Violence Against Women” purple ribbons
  • Campaign Activity Guide with suggested creative activities
  • Media talking points

Language – the campaign kit can be accessed in 3 languages: English, French and Swahili.

Download the Action and Advocacy Kit in the languages below:

Download memes for the 16 days campaign social media activism here.